Passive House AR+VR

 AR hero image

Medite Smartply are one of worlds leading manufacturer of composite timber products. Several of their key composite board products are used in the new, innovative eco-friendly construction technique of 'Passive House'.

We developed an app for iOS and Android, that combines both AR and VR, to provide users with an innovative and informative experience, that delivers immersive learning around the Passive House process. Users can watch a virtual house contruct, then, through the power of AR and VR, look around the home virtually, and explore detailed learning around the construction technique.

• Used primarily at trade events; Smartply have seen an increase in on-stand footfall
• Initial response has been really positive from target audience such as architects, developers and local authorities
• Increased PR around the brand, based on association
• Several thousand user downloads in the first 2 months

AR screen capture run-through:

AR experience screens:

Home screen

construction guide

AR hero image

AR internal scene

AR screen bedroom


VR screen capture run-through:

VR experience screens:

VR load screen

Download the app free for iOS and Android

App Store icon    Google Play icon

Download & print the AR marker (right click to save image)

Passive House AR marker

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